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A new print has just sailed in!

It is a beautiful, sunny but very blustery day here in rural Oxfordshire. The puppy ( well, 9 months now) and I have been hacking back an over grown kiwi tree as I am terrified it is going to pull the trellis it is now much (was) larger than and land on someone.

Our daughter, home for a few days ( curtesy of online zooming into work), commented “do you like wind? ” Well yes I do – thanks to  a childhood spent on boats where wind was needed to get anywhere exciting!

Up my ladders in a strong wind, hacking away, wielding a rather efficient, £17 worth pruning saw recently purchased, isn’t  exactly the same as being on a sailing boat in the Minch, pulling in the mainsail sheet whilst we come up to wind to beat harder and faster… but it can rekindle happy memories! Which is why finding an illustration for letter Y in my illustrated alphabet was incredibly easy .

Yachting Yak. So simple. I see him all the time! In my mind’s eye… Now available as a print without the Y. Or as an illustrated letter print, for Yves, my friend who has sailed across the Atlantic. Ah, there is a good gift for him on our next visit to France! .

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